On Top of the World

There is something oddly official about an engagement ring. I’ve known for years we’re going to be together forever. I don’t want any other life than the one I have. And I really thought I’d made it to a place where the ring didn’t matter. But somehow, when he slipped it on my finger, it…

Unpacking After a Long Trip

Early yesterday morning we landed after a rather pleasant red-eye flight home. I was gone for 15 days. Brian was gone for 9. If you live far away from your family, you know that trips to visit them are never a vacation. Usually, they are so trying on your patience and nerves that getting back…

My Rock. Rain on My Parade.

We knew we wanted different. And we’ve been gathering ideas over the last few months and throughout my trips around the world on creative and meaningful ways to set our celebration apart. I’ve always been drawn to rituals and traditions outside what have become “normal” in western weddings, largely because even secular weddings find many…